Hope Harber

ICSI(Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection)

What is ICSI?

ICSI(Intracytoplasmic SpermInjection) is an advanced fertility treatment where a single sperm is directly injected into an egg during in vitro fertilization (IVF), addressing male infertility issuesand enhancing the chancesof successfulfertilization.

Who Needs ICSI?

ICSIis recommendedfor couplesfacing male infertility issuessuchas low sperm count, poor sperm motility, or abnormal sperm morphology. It is also usedwhen previous IVFattempts have resulted in fertilization failure.

What Are The Chances Of Success?

ICSIsuccessrates vary but are generally high, especially for coupleswith severemale infertility. Successdependson individual factors, with fertilization rates often exceeding 70%, leading to improved chancesof a successfulpregnancy.

How Many Attempts Of ICSI/ IVF Can Be Made?

Thenumber of ICSIattempts dependson individual circumstances, but many couplesachieve successwithin the first three cycles. After several unsuccessfulat- tempts, a fertility specialist may reassessthe treatment plan and recommendalternative options.

Is There Any Chance Of Having Abnormality In The Baby By ICSI?

ICSIis generally consideredsafe, but there is a slightly higher risk of certain genetic abnormalities compared to natural conception. Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT)can be usedto screenembryosfor abnormalities before implantation, reducing this risk.

Where Can I Have Sperm Frozen For Future Use?

Yes, sperm freezing (cryopreservation) is a commonpractice, allowing individuals to preserve sperm for future usein fertility treatments, suchas IUI or IVF, or to addresspotential fertility challenges.Spermcan be stored for an extended period, maintaining its viability whenneeded.

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